Earthmoving Contractors Association of Texas began in May of 1958 with a few contractors meeting at Holt Tractor Company in San Antonio under the new name of Conservation Contractors Association of Texas to address the problems of the day. In June 1977, the association voted to join the National Land Improvement Contractors of America (LICA) as the Texas Chapter. LICA only addressed problems on a national level, so in January 1993, the group was reorganized as the Earthmoving Contractors Association of Texas.
Earthmoving Contractors Association of Texas is comprised of 12 districts, each having a director. A president, vice president, and secretary are elected each July, along with district directors. Associate members also elect a director to represent them at meetings. Each director and officer is employed as a contractor, pays dues, and volunteers time to attend four directors’ meetings annually at their own expense. Earthmoving Contractors Association of Texas has no full-time employees. A two-day general membership meeting is held each July. This meeting addresses safety, educational topics, legislation, soil and water conservation, new equipment, and other topics related to our industry and association.
Past accomplishments of the Earthmoving Contractors Association of Texas include a sales tax exemption on equipment and parts for machinery used in conservation work on farms and ranches. Earthmoving Contractors Association of Texas was also instrumental in establishing Soil Conservation license plates for contractors. It was able to have legislation passed to stop County Commissioners from working on private land.
Earthmoving Contractors Association of Texas is also a proud supporter of Family Land Heritage Day, where families have owned the land for 100 to 150 years, and Texas Ag Council is also supported.
Earthmoving Contractors Association of Texas is interested in students’ academic and professional success. Scholarships are awarded yearly to graduating seniors and current students in schools of higher learning. A child or grandchild of an active owner and/or manager of an earthmoving business and a member in good standing with Earthmoving Contractors Association of Texas; or a child or grandchild of an associate member in good standing is eligible. A member or associate member must have dues paid and be a member at least one year in order to be in good standing. The student must be a high school graduate or equivalent, a United States citizen, and must be enrolled at an institution of higher education (12 hrs.).